LHCS 2016/17

2016/17 Louisville Homeschool Cottage Program!

Louisville Homeschool Cottage Program (LHCS) is an inclusive, secular cottage program that is dedicated to providing homeschooled children with opportunities to participate in fun classes with peers of the same age range.  LHCS is not intended to replace homeschooling done at home by parents, and is not a school. LHCS proudly welcomes ALL homeschoolers.  We offer the most affordable cottage program in the Kentuckiana area, and have payment plans available.  You must be a member of Louisville Homeschool to register for classes!  You can become a member online at http://louisvillehomeschool.org/lhs-members/.  Please do not contact Bardstown Road Presbyterian Church with questions regarding LHCS, as they will not be able to provide any answers.

Tuesdays: LHCS will meet at Bardstown Road Presbyterian Church (1722 Bardstown Rd, Louisville, KY 40205) for 28 Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the 2016/17 school year.  Tuesday classes will remain the same format as 2015/16 where each child is enrolled for the full 4.5 hours.  Preference for Thursday classes will be given to those enrolled in Tuesday classes.

 What Parents are Saying

These are direct quotes taken from our satisfaction survey. Reproduced here with permission:

“We’ve been really pleased, we just want more! “

“I absolutely love Mrs. Gardner. She is so wonderful with my child. She does an amazing job with the children.”

“Silas & I love LHCS as is! I plan to enroll all three of my kids next year. Thanks!”

“I fully recommend LHCS. I was worried at the beginning of the year that it might take away too much time from our homeschooling, and that it would be a waste of time, but it has been such an amazing addition to our lives. My children look forward to “school” every week without fail. They are learning things that I wouldn’t teach them at home book-wise and socially. I have never been concerned about “socialization,” but I am glad to see my children making lifelong friends through this program. LHCS and its teachers have surpassed my highest expectations. ”

“My son loves going to LHCS. It is the highlight of his week. He is by nature a shy child, but he has really blossomed at LHCS. It adds a wonderful new dimension to our homeschooling. ”

“I love the service projects we did, and the theme days and parties will help connect the students even more. Those kinds of things are always fun!”

“Tuition is definitely affordable”

“It seems like a great success so far and I hope it continues to thrive and grow!”

2016/17 Tuesday Classes

Our Tuesday classes are only available as Full Day classes; you have to enroll for all 4 classes.
Our recommended ages/grades are negotiable because you know your child best.

Classes will meet on the following 28 Tuesdays for the 2016/17 Program Year:

Fall 2016 Spring 2017
September – 6, 13, 20, 27 January – 17, 24, 31
October – 4, 11, 18, 25 February – 7, 14, 21, 28
November – 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 March – 7, 14, 21, 28
December – 6 April – 11, 18, 25 (spring break – 4/4/17)

REGISTRATION FOR THE 2016/17 SCHOOL YEAR IS CLOSED!  Questions should be directed to LouisvilleHomeschool@gmail.com

Full Day Tuition: $750 per Year

Supply Fee: $60 per Year

Registration Fee: $35/student or $55/family

Early Drop Off – 9 a.m.

Grades: All Grades
Cost: $50/Semester
Checks made payable to Goldie Hawkins
Early Drop off is a convenience offered for parents who need to bring their children in early.  Children will be able to talk, play quiet games, and Ms. Goldie will probably lead them in some morning physical activities to get the jitterbugs out. Food is not allowed during early drop off.  A minimum of 3 students must be enrolled or this will be cancelled.

Tuesday Pre-Kindergarten (Ages 4-5) & Kindergarten (Ages 5-6):  

Teacher: Kim Gillespie

Tuesday classes are offered as a full day only.

The Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten mixed class will be conducted in the spirit of the Montessori Pedagogy.  Montessori allows children to think and discover for themselves and gain independence.  The children will learn and practice social skills in a kind and compassionate environment.  Their cognitive development, physical development, and spirit will be nurtured and nourished within the learning environment.  Children will work independently or in small groups during their work cycle with guidance from the teacher.  They will freely choose from the areas of study in the learning environment.  Lessons on the materials and introductions of new materials will be given during morning circle or in small group lessons.

Tuesday PK/K children can sign up to take French at 10:30 on Thursdays for free.  

Sample Day Overview:


Each child will be greeted by the teacher and welcomed into the learning environment.

Circle Time

We will meet as a group to share new materials and areas of focus, lessons on Grace and Courtesy, stories, music, and movement. This is a time to grow our social skills, and practice listening and taking turns.


Using Montessori materials and Montessori inspired materials we will gain pre-language and language skills, working in a developmentally appropriate manner for each individual child.  Children will practice recognizing letters, learning beginning letter sounds, reading three letter words, strengthening their pincer grasp, recognizing their names and writing their names.


Using Montessori materials children will practice recognizing numbers, 1 to 1 correspondence, counting 1-10, 10-20.  Children will master the understanding of basic quantities 1-10, and then move on to learning and writing numerals.


We will learn about many different cultures from around the world, utilizing stories, music, and cultural items.  We will learn about the Earth and continents and study the globe.


We will focus on the Earth, animals, plants and trees, and weather and seasons.  Our Science studies will often go hand in hand with our Cultural studies.

Practical Life

We will learn care of self and care of the environment while practicing fine and gross motor skills.  Children will have many opportunities for pouring, transferring, pinching, twisting, scooping, squeezing, and sorting.


Art in the Montessori classroom is process based, not product based.  Children will experiment with different mediums and materials, being shown carefully how to use each.  Color theory will be explored through many different activities.  Children will have the opportunity to view the artwork of the masters to inspire an appreciation of beauty.


We will meet in a circle again for a few minutes at the end of our day to wind down.  We will practice some basic yoga poses, focus on our breathing and quieting our bodies, before saying goodbye to our friends.

Early Primary (1st & 2nd grade / 6-7 years):

Teacher: Megan Stofer

Tuesday classes are offered as a full day only.

Reading – Using a program called, “Tucker Signing,” we will learn 40 hand signals/letter sounds to assist in the reading process. I have seen amazing success using this program. This method allows for movement, visual, and auditory learning opportunities.
Reading Comprehension – Through read-alouds, we will explore comprehension topics within the class. These include topics such as; characters, plot, genre, etc. Books will be chosen specifically for the lesson’s purpose and will be enriching text that will assist in exploring these big ideas.

Science – Through hands on experiments, we will make explore a variety of scientific concepts. These activities will be designed to have the students actively participating in all steps of the scientific process. (and making fun messes, too!)
Topic of the Month

  • September – National Wilderness Month: Explore local and National Parks (in-class)
  • October – Disability Awareness Month/Anti Bullying Month: Explore different abilities, accessibility, acceptance.
  • November – Novel Writing Month: Work to create a class poetry novel.
  • December – (continue poetry study)
  • January – Healthy Weight Awareness Month: Look at the food pyramid, eating healthy, exercise
  • February – Black History Month: Study influential figures in History.
  • March – Women’s History Month: Study influential figures in History.
  • April – Earth Month: Positive impacts we can have on the Earth
  • May – National Physical Fitness and Sports Month: Explore new sports, and fitness

Middle Primary (3rd & 4th grade / 8-9 years): 

Teacher: Ashley Gardner

Tuesday classes are offered as a full day only.

Literacy – During our literacy time, reading and writing will be intertwined ,as we practice comprehension skills that help us understand what we read, such as making connections with the text, making predictions, using our background knowledge, and more. We will read great books, looking at what the authors did to make them great, and then use those skills in our own writing. We will also try out a variety of styles of writing as we become stronger writers ourselves.

Music -This will be a jam-packed music class! We will learn to read notes and rhythms, gain experience and skill as singers with group singing games and songs, and learn all about the families of instruments and how each makes sound. Together we will listen to some famous pieces of music and talk about their characteristics, using music vocabulary that we will learn together.

Social Studies -Through a variety of living history books, hands on projects, and a skit or two, we will explore a range of history and geography topics. Depending on the interests and previous knowledge of students in class, we may choose to study Native Americans, the US Colonies, Early Explorers, the Wild West, Presidents, and more!

Beginning American Sign Language – American Sign Language, or ASL, is thought to be the 3rd most used language in the United States. Children love learning to sign, and are quick to pick it up and remember the signs! Together we will learn the ABCs, numbers, how to introduce yourself, how to ask questions, and more. We will learn by playing games, watching videos of deaf signers, working with partners to practices, and signing in front of the class.

Upper Primary (5th – 7th grade / 10-13 years): 

Teacher: Leah Thompson

Tuesday classes are offered as a full day only.


Children will be introduced to the fundamental writers in World Literature. Students will learn about the different literary styles and themes in different time periods.

Writer’s Workshop

Students will be introduced to the art of writing. There will be two major writing assignments for the year. The first will be a short novella that we will write as a book. Students will focus on improving their writing skills, on grammar and learn about how author’s use literary devices to convey their stories. As a group, we will come up with the essential elements of writing.


Student will be introduced to man and his place on the earth.  We will examine the intersections between the development of the world and history. We will look at different biomes and show how environment has influenced the development of states, show the multiple factors in which culture, history, nature have influenced man’s development on the planet

Art & Art History

Exploring from Cave Art to Modern times, students will learn about art history and create art for each time period.

All classes, teachers, and information are subject to change without notice.  You can find us on thehomeschoolmom.com!

2016/17 Thursday Classes

LHCS will meet at Bardstown Road Presbyterian Church (1722 Bardstown Rd, Louisville, KY 40205) for 28 Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the 2016/17 school year.  The Thursday classes will be offered à la carte, allowing each family to pick which classes they wish to enroll in.  You can register for as many or as few classes on Thursdays as you desire.  Enrollment is for the full school year.  You do not have to be enrolled in Tuesday classes to take Thursday classes or vice versa, but preference for Thursday classes will be given to those enrolled in Tuesday classes. Children cannot stay on campus without being enrolled in a class or study hall.  Our recommended ages/grades are negotiable because you know your child best.

Classes will meet on the following 28 Thursdays for the 2016/17 Program Year:

Fall 2016 Spring 2017
September – 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 January – 19, 26
October – 6, 13, 20, 27 February – 2, 9, 16, 23
November – 3, 10, 17 March – 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
December – 1, 8 April – 13, 20, 27 (spring break – 4/6/17)

Follow this link to REGISTER!

Class Tuition:
$188 per class, per Year

Supply Fee:
Varies, see class description

Registration Fee:
$10 per student per class for those only taking Thursday classes
Tuesday students pay $5 per student per class

Click Here to read about our wonderful teachers!

Early Drop Off – 9 a.m.

Assistant Director: Goldie Hawkins
Grades: All Grades
Cost: $50/Semester
Checks made payable to Goldie Hawkins
Early Drop off is a convenience offered for parents who need to bring their children in early.  Children will be able to talk, play quiet games, and Ms. Goldie will probably lead them in some morning physical activities to get the jitterbugs out. Food is not allowed during early drop off.  A minimum of 3 students must be enrolled or this will be cancelled.

Study Hall- Offered Every Hour

Assistant Director: Goldie Hawkins
Grades: 1st & Up
Cost: $50/year
Checks made payable to Goldie Hawkins
Offered every hour on Thursday.  Study hall is a quiet time where children can work on their schoolwork, play board games quietly, or play on electronic devices quietly.  This service is being offered as a convenience for parents wishing to enroll in some but not all the classes on Thursdays who do not wish to pick up their children between scheduled classes.  Food is not allowed during study hall.  Inappropriate games, music, etc are not allowed during study hall.

Pre-Kindergarten (Age 4) & Kindergarten (Ages 5-6):

Teacher: Jacke Fossaluzza
Thursday PK/K Class Only offered as a full day
Full Day Tuition: $750 per Year
Supply Fee: $60 per Year
Registration Fee: $35/student or $55/family
(If your child is enrolled in the Tuesday PK/K class, and you would like to enroll them on Thursdays as well, there will not be an additional Registration fee.)

Our classroom will consist of Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students. We will learn how to work together as a class to build problem solving skills, communication, and social awareness, as well as the importance of teamwork. Other lessons will require students to work individually to help build their confidence to complete tasks independently. Whether students are working individually or as team, their emotional development will be at the forefront. As the students continue to develop their ability to recognize their feelings and what causes them, we will work on skills to help manage these emotions and behaviors. Through play and hands-on activities using everyday objects as learning tools, students will recognize learning is all around us, continuous, and fun! Children MUST be potty trained prior to the start of classes. Please pack a weather appropriate change of clothes in each child’s backpack.

Sample Day Overview:  

Morning Greeting
We will sharpen our listening skills by singing (and listening) to a morning greeting song. These skills will continue as we listen to and connect with our peers.

Reading, Letters, and Numbers
A life-long love for math and reading begins at an early age. We will learn the importance of and how letters, words, and numbers play a role in our lives.

Activities will range from learning about our bodies and healthy eating to focusing on weather/seasons, water, and nature.

Social Science
Exploring the world around us! We will explore who makes up our family and community as well as other cultures around the world.  “It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, celebrate, and accept those differences.”

Closing Discussion

We will recap what we have learned that day. Students will share a feeling about the day (e.g. a proud, happy, or frustrating moment), or give a compliment to a friend.

Early Primary (1st-2nd)

These are the Thursday Classes that are available to “All Ages” or “1st&2nd.” They are listed by the hour that they are available starting with “Early Drop Off” at 9 a.m.  Please note that these are 55 minute classes, so the ending times are 9:55 a.m., 10:55 a.m., 11:55 a.m., 1:25 p.m., and 2:25 p.m.

Early Drop Off – 9 a.m.
Grades: All Grades
Cost: $50/Semester
Checks made payable to Goldie Hawkins
Early Drop off is a convenience offered for parents who need to bring their children in early.  Children will be able to talk, play quiet games, and Ms. Goldie will probably lead them in some morning physical activities to get the jitterbugs out. Food is not allowed during early drop off.  A minimum of 3 students must be enrolled or this will be cancelled.

Study Hall- Offered Every Hour
Grades: 1st & Up
Cost: $50/year
Checks made payable to Goldie Hawkins
Offered every hour on Thursday.  Study hall is a quiet time where children can work on their schoolwork, play board games quietly, or play on electronic devices quietly.  This service is being offered as a convenience for parents wishing to enroll in some but not all the classes on Thursdays who do not wish to pick up their children between scheduled classes.  Food is not allowed during study hall.  Inappropriate games, music, etc are not allowed during study hall.

Performing Arts – 10 a.m.
Teacher: Ashley Gardner
All grades, but geared to 3rd-5th graders
Supply Fee: $30/year & students supply their own costumes
Min. Students: 15
Producing a musical- Come join the fun! Over the course of each semester, we will learn songs, speaking parts and choreography, rehearse, and perform a musical! The actual musical will be chosen once we see the ages and number of students who enroll. We will put on a 30-40 minute long musical, every student will have a speaking part and there will be opportunity for some singing solos and/or duets. The musical will include around 5 to 7 songs that we will learn to sing and perform choreography for, and students will be in costume. Students will get to take part in the whole process- from informal auditions, rehearsal, developing teamwork skills as they rehearse for many weeks with a cast, and see it through to performances for our audiences! We will do one musical that will be performed in the fall semester, and then start a new show for the spring semester. This class must have a minimum of 15 students.

Exploring Famous Artists – 11 a.m.
Teacher: Kim Gillespie
Grades: All
Supply Fee: $10
Together we will look at famous artists and their varied artistic styles.  Each week we will explore a famous artist, learn a little about their story and style, and then work to create our own masterpiece using their technique.  Children will explore artists such as Monet, Warhol, O’Keefe, Mondrian, Klimt, Lichenstein, Van Gogh, Kahlo, and Haring.

General Music (Pre-Band) – 12:30 p.m.
Teacher: Michelle Gilfert
Grades: 1st-4th
Supply Fee: $25

This class is open to any student in grades 1st-4th. In it we will explore instrumental music-making by learning to play the recorder, by singing, and by using creative movement. Students will learn the basics of reading music notation, as well as the elements of music as applied to instrumental music. This is an excellent pre-requisite course for students who are interested to learn a band instrument later.

Passport to the World – 1:30 p.m.
Teacher: Ashley Gardner
All Grades
Supply Fee: $20/year & Supply List
Pack your bags and grab your passport, we are about to go on quite a journey! Together we will learn map reading and geography skills as we travel the world through books, music, crafts, and maybe a yummy treat or two along the way. Students will compile a binder to keep track of each country we learn about, and will gain familiarity with each country’s flag, capital, notable landmarks and more!

Middle Primary (3rd-4th)

These are the Thursday Classes that are available to All Ages, 3rd&4th, or 3rd&up.  They are listed by the hour that they are available starting with “Early Drop Off” at 9 a.m. Please note that these are 55 minute classes, so the ending times are 9:55 a.m., 10:55 a.m., 11:55 a.m., 1:25 p.m., and 2:25 p.m.

Early Drop Off – 9 a.m.
Grades: All Grades
Cost: $50/Semester
Checks made payable to Goldie Hawkins
Early Drop off is a convenience offered for parents who need to bring their children in early.  Children will be able to talk, play quiet games, and Ms. Goldie will probably lead them in some morning physical activities to get the jitterbugs out. Food is not allowed during early drop off.  A minimum of 3 students must be enrolled or this will be cancelled.

Study Hall- Offered Every Hour
Grades: 1st & Up
Cost: $50/year
Checks made payable to Goldie Hawkins
Offered every hour on Thursday.  Study hall is a quiet time where children can work on their schoolwork, play board games quietly, or play on electronic devices quietly.  This service is being offered as a convenience for parents wishing to enroll in some but not all the classes on Thursdays who do not wish to pick up their children between scheduled classes.  Food is not allowed during study hall.  Inappropriate games, music, etc are not allowed during study hall.

Art Journaling – 10 a.m.
Teacher: Kim Gillespie
Grades: 3rd and up
Supply Fee: $10
Art journaling is a wonderful way for children to explore creativity and expression.  Each week children will work to create a page in their art journal using an assortment of media, including, watercolors, sharpies, colored pencils, and collage.  We will have a different prompt each class to inspire our journal pages.

Performing Arts – 10 a.m.
Teacher: Ashley Gardner
All grades, but geared to 3rd-5th graders
Supply Fee: $30/year & students supply their own costumes
Min. Students: 15
Producing a musical- Come join the fun! Over the course of each semester, we will learn songs, speaking parts and choreography, rehearse, and perform a musical! The actual musical will be chosen once we see the ages and number of students who enroll. We will put on a 30-40 minute long musical, every student will have a speaking part and there will be opportunity for some singing solos and/or duets. The musical will include around 5 to 7 songs that we will learn to sing and perform choreography for, and students will be in costume. Students will get to take part in the whole process- from informal auditions, rehearsal, developing teamwork skills as they rehearse for many weeks with a cast, and see it through to performances for our audiences! We will do one musical that will be performed in the fall semester, and then start a new show for the spring semester. This class must have a minimum of 15 students.

Exploring Famous Artists – 11 a.m.
Teacher: Kim Gillespie
Grades: All
Supply Fee: $10
Together we will look at famous artists and their varied artistic styles.  Each week we will explore a famous artist, learn a little about their story and style, and then work to create our own masterpiece using their technique.  Children will explore artists such as Monet, Warhol, O’Keefe, Mondrian, Klimt, Lichenstein, Van Gogh, Kahlo, and Haring.

STEM Problem Solving – 11 a.m. –
Teacher: Ashley Gardner
3rd & up
Supply Fee: $20/yr & Supply List
Building and teamwork activities, STEM- STEM- Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics- is a buzz word in education today. Research shows that kids who participate in STEM activites gain confidence in problem solving that carries over into any content area. In this STEM class, we will work in partners or small groups to solve a problem each week by planning out our ideas, building, testing, and discussing what we could do to make it better. What’s the tallest tower you can build with spaghetti noodles and apple slices? How much weight can a boat made of a few everyday supplies hold, and still stay afloat? Come to this STEM class to find out! (class fee $20 and supply list)

American Sign Language Intermediate – 12:30 p.m.
Teacher: Ashley Gardner
3rd & up
Supply Fee: $10/year
This will be a faster paced ASL class for students who already know the basics. We will learn more complex sentence structure, and work on our expressive storytelling skills, as well as our receptive skills.

Flash Fiction – 12:30 p.m.
Teacher: Kim Gillespie
5th & up
Supply Fee: $10/year plus a 3-Subject Notebook and a sharp pencil with eraser

What is Flash Fiction?  Well, most sources define it as a short piece of writing that is less than 1000 words.  But just because it’s short doesn’t mean it isn’t a well rounded piece of writing. Flash Fiction contains all of the elements of a regular story: a character/characters, a setting, and a conflict with some type of resolution.  Since it’s less words Flash Fiction requires less revisions and rewriting, making it an ideal introduction to the joy of writing creatively.

In this class we will cover many genres of writing, including, realistic fiction, science fiction, fantasy, horror (not to scary!), mystery, and fan fiction.  We will talk about what makes a great story and the components of a story.  We will discuss different genres together and read selections of Flash Fiction from those genres.  The children will work to create 10-14 pieces of Flash Fiction during the course of this class.  After they have completed their first draft of their Flash Fiction we will work together on any revisions.

While we will work on revisions together, the main goal of this class is for children to learn a joy of writing creatively without fear of receiving a paper with lots of red circles and corrections back. The revision process will be a discussion and exchange of ideas, giving the writers the opportunity to improve on their ideas and content in their story.

General Music (Pre-Band) – 12:30 p.m.
Teacher: Michelle Gilfert
Grades: 1st-4th
Supply Fee: $25

This class is open to any student in grades 1st-4th. In it we will explore instrumental music-making by learning to play the recorder, by singing, and by using creative movement. Students will learn the basics of reading music notation, as well as the elements of music as applied to instrumental music. This is an excellent pre-requisite course for students who are interested to learn a band instrument later.

Passport to the World – 1:30 p.m.
Teacher: Ashley Gardner
All Grades
Supply Fee: $20/year & Supply List
Pack your bags and grab your passport, we are about to go on quite a journey! Together we will learn map reading and geography skills as we travel the world through books, music, crafts, and maybe a yummy treat or two along the way. Students will compile a binder to keep track of each country we learn about, and will gain familiarity with each country’s flag, capital, notable landmarks and more!

Upper Primary (5th-7th)

These are the Thursday Classes that are available to All Ages or 5th & up.  They are listed by the hour that they are available starting with “Early Drop Off” at 9 a.m. Please note that these are 55 minute classes, so the ending times are 9:55 a.m., 10:55 a.m., 11:55 a.m., 1:25 p.m., and 2:25 p.m.

Early Drop Off – 9 a.m.
Grades: All Grades
Cost: $50/Semester
Checks made payable to Goldie Hawkins
Early Drop off is a convenience offered for parents who need to bring their children in early.  Children will be able to talk, play quiet games, and Ms. Goldie will probably lead them in some morning physical activities to get the jitterbugs out. Food is not allowed during early drop off.  A minimum of 3 students must be enrolled or this will be cancelled.

Study Hall- Offered Every Hour
Grades: 1st & Up
Cost: $50/year
Checks made payable to Goldie Hawkins
Offered every hour on Thursday.  Study hall is a quiet time where children can work on their schoolwork, play board games quietly, or play on electronic devices quietly.  This service is being offered as a convenience for parents wishing to enroll in some but not all the classes on Thursdays who do not wish to pick up their children between scheduled classes.  Food is not allowed during study hall.  Inappropriate games, music, etc are not allowed during study hall.

Art Journaling – 10 a.m.
Teacher: Kim Gillespie
Grades: 3rd and up
Supply Fee: $10
Art journaling is a wonderful way for children to explore creativity and expression.  Each week children will work to create a page in their art journal using an assortment of media, including, watercolors, sharpies, colored pencils, and collage.  We will have a different prompt each class to inspire our journal pages.

Performing Arts – 10 a.m.
Teacher: Ashley Gardner
All grades, but geared to 3rd-5th graders
Supply Fee: $30/year & students supply their own costumes
Min. Students: 15
Producing a musical- Come join the fun! Over the course of each semester, we will learn songs, speaking parts and choreography, rehearse, and perform a musical! The actual musical will be chosen once we see the ages and number of students who enroll. We will put on a 30-40 minute long musical, every student will have a speaking part and there will be opportunity for some singing solos and/or duets. The musical will include around 5 to 7 songs that we will learn to sing and perform choreography for, and students will be in costume. Students will get to take part in the whole process- from informal auditions, rehearsal, developing teamwork skills as they rehearse for many weeks with a cast, and see it through to performances for our audiences! We will do one musical that will be performed in the fall semester, and then start a new show for the spring semester. This class must have a minimum of 15 students.

Exploring Famous Artists – 11 a.m.
Teacher: Kim Gillespie
Grades: All
Supply Fee: $10
Together we will look at famous artists and their varied artistic styles.  Each week we will explore a famous artist, learn a little about their story and style, and then work to create our own masterpiece using their technique.  Children will explore artists such as Monet, Warhol, O’Keefe, Mondrian, Klimt, Lichenstein, Van Gogh, Kahlo, and Haring.

STEM Problem Solving – 11 a.m. –
Teacher: Ashley Gardner
3rd & up
Supply Fee: $20/yr & Supply List
Building and teamwork activities, STEM- STEM- Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics- is a buzz word in education today. Research shows that kids who participate in STEM activites gain confidence in problem solving that carries over into any content area. In this STEM class, we will work in partners or small groups to solve a problem each week by planning out our ideas, building, testing, and discussing what we could do to make it better. What’s the tallest tower you can build with spaghetti noodles and apple slices? How much weight can a boat made of a few everyday supplies hold, and still stay afloat? Come to this STEM class to find out! (class fee $20 and supply list)

American Sign Language Intermediate – 12:30 p.m.
Teacher: Ashley Gardner
3rd & up
Supply Fee: $10/year
This will be a faster paced ASL class for students who already know the basics. We will learn more complex sentence structure, and work on our expressive storytelling skills, as well as our receptive skills.

Flash Fiction – 12:30 p.m.
Teacher: Kim Gillespie
5th & up
Supply Fee: $10/year plus a 3-Subject Notebook and a sharp pencil with eraser

What is Flash Fiction?  Well, most sources define it as a short piece of writing that is less than 1000 words.  But just because it’s short doesn’t mean it isn’t a well rounded piece of writing. Flash Fiction contains all of the elements of a regular story: a character/characters, a setting, and a conflict with some type of resolution.  Since it’s less words Flash Fiction requires less revisions and rewriting, making it an ideal introduction to the joy of writing creatively.

In this class we will cover many genres of writing, including, realistic fiction, science fiction, fantasy, horror (not to scary!), mystery, and fan fiction.  We will talk about what makes a great story and the components of a story.  We will discuss different genres together and read selections of Flash Fiction from those genres.  The children will work to create 10-14 pieces of Flash Fiction during the course of this class.  After they have completed their first draft of their Flash Fiction we will work together on any revisions.

While we will work on revisions together, the main goal of this class is for children to learn a joy of writing creatively without fear of receiving a paper with lots of red circles and corrections back. The revision process will be a discussion and exchange of ideas, giving the writers the opportunity to improve on their ideas and content in their story.

BAND! – 1:30 p.m.
Teacher: Michelle Gilfert
Grades: 4th & Up
Supply Fee: $25 per student plus the cost of renting an instrument *Information about how and where to rent will be distributed at the first class meeting. Instruments include flute, clarinet, alto saxophone, trumpet, trombone, and percussion (snare and xylophone).*

This class is open to students grades 5th and up who wish to learn to play a musical instrument. In the first class, we will explore types of band instruments, and students will be fitted to an instrument of their choosing. Once students have selected their instrument, we will learn the basics of music-making on that particular instrument, with respect to individual and ensemble playing, as well as care and maintenance of the instrument. Students will learn to play the “greatest hits” of beginning band (familiar and folk songs), as well as more advanced pieces in two or more parts in the ensemble.

Passport to the World – 1:30 p.m.
Teacher: Ashley Gardner
All Grades
Supply Fee: $20/year & Supply List
Pack your bags and grab your passport, we are about to go on quite a journey! Together we will learn map reading and geography skills as we travel the world through books, music, crafts, and maybe a yummy treat or two along the way. Students will compile a binder to keep track of each country we learn about, and will gain familiarity with each country’s flag, capital, notable landmarks and more!

All classes, teachers, and information are subject to change without notice or refund.